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An Area of Specialism


Pregnancy is a time of life where it can feel as though there are a lot of 'shoulds'. 'I should be happy, this should be easy, I should be enjoying this' to name a few. 

It is my understanding; through personal experience and working with client's, that this is not always the case and there are many different challenges which you may experience during this time. 

The journey to conception can be a path littered with trauma for many people as individuals or as a couple who suffer baby loss or are faced with having to undergo IVF. This can bring up a range of feelings which we can explore together. 


It may be that you have conceived and are struggling with anxiety or a tough pregnancy (extreme fatigue and sickness for example) or an unplanned pregnancy. We can explore the sometimes complex feelings that these experiences may bring up for you. 


After baby arrives it is not just a baby that is born but also a parent. 

Discovering yourself as a parent, be that mother or father and balancing that with the sense of self you already have can be a beautiful but also difficult time where we can explore self care and meeting your own needs alongside your new found parenthood. 


The decision to terminate a pregnancy can be a decision that may take a while to work through and process, be that a recent or historical termination. 


These are just some of the experiences we may face during our lives. Ultimately all your experiences are your own and they are as unique as you. I provide a safe, non-judgemental and confidential space where you can unpick and process these experiences. 


These sessions may be attended individually or as a couple. 


Individual Session £50 for a 50 or 60 minute session. 


Couple's session £75 for a 90 minute session. 


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